We are newly licensed for Soil Science with the North Carolina Board of Licensed Soil Scientists. We are here to help Asheville home and land buyers complete Soil Evaluations for Underground Heating Oil Storage Tanks (USTs), and very soon, "Perc Tests" for site septic Soil Evaluations. After 16 years we are so happy to achieve Licensure!
Happy Valley Environmental can assist home buyers with old Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) know their liability with an unbiased approach. Happy Valley does not profit from leaks or follow-up work, so you get an honest opinion where the Soil does the talking. We do not perform tank removals, closures, or soil remediations, so it's not in our interest one way or another. We identify contamination if it exists, then help to determine the best route for both compliance and protection of human health. If contamination is found in a Low Risk scenario, we can assist with acquiring a No Further Action letter. If it is High Risk, then we can help determine that as well.
Most people are familiar with the sight of heating oil tank fill and vent pipes. Most realtors tremble at the very sight of evidence of UST's & heating oil tanks on the property. It is for good reason. Happy Valley Environmental LLC is here to provide unbiased Soil Evaluations for your Property.
Risk rankings in North Carolina homeowner UST regulations allow for cost effective approaches with minimal requirements if determined to be Low Risk. Allow us to handle your tank properly and in accordance with the NC requirements. While relaxed, there are still requirements that need to be met to be in compliance with State regulations, even for Low Risk sites. Documenting the issue is paramount in protecting the health of future occupants. Hiding contamination is illegal and immoral. A sub-slab depressurization system (a/k/a Radon Fan) can help to alleviate any potential harmful volatile organic vapor intrusion that could occur from a leaking UST system, and should be considered if leaving fuel impacted soil in place.
Septic Soil Evaluations services will be offered once all the licensing paperwork has been properly processed by the NCSOS and NCBLSS. It is anticipated to be done by August 2022. Once the logistics are sorted out I can begin taking on new clients for "Perc Tests" and Septic Soil Evaluations. We look forward to a bright new future in the world of Soil Science! Thank you to the NCBLSS for helping me along through the process. For anyone interested, those are some extremely difficult Examinations.